Sunday, February 17, 2013

Caregiver Burnout

Are you a caregiver that is having trouble with burnout? Don't be too alarmed if you are having this issue. This is something we all as caregivers will have to endure. The question is, are you having burnouts frequent? If that is the case you may want to look into things a little further.

The thing with burnout that I experienced during my caregiving days for my dad who had alzheimer's was, I found out that it was me who was causing the burnout. Now most times it's all the responsibilities that are placed upon us that we feel is causing the numerous burnouts, but if you looked a little closer you may discover that you are doing things that are bringing about frustration, stress, and then burnout.

When Alzheimer's started to really affect my dad, all I wanted to do was try to fix what was wrong. After months of doing this and my solutions became only temporary fixes, I became physically and mentally exhausted. The main thing I found out that I was doing was I was trying to fight the disease itself and it was wearing me down. I wanted to fix what was wrong instead of focusing on getting information on the disease to better equip myself. What Alzheimer's taught me was that there are some things that will take its course. So until there is a cure for this disease be can be certain that your family member will have to endure the numerous stages that Alzheimer's will take them through.

With the help of the internet, a person can gather so much information that can assist them with how to handle the different stages of the disease so you can be better equiped and cut down on so much burnout.

So, if you are experencing a lot of stress and burnout, you may want to take a step back and see if you are causing it trying to fight the disease rather than getting the info you need.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Using Drawsheet When Changing Adult Diaper

If you are caring for a disabled person or a person who is no longer able to care for themselves, it's important to learn how to change their diaper when needed.

Now for most of us who are at home caregivers, we have assistance from programs that allows trained individuals to come in and take care of these needs. Even though this is great there will become a time when it will be you that has to take care of the changing.

Now I'm writing this articles because for a couple years I went about the wrong way in changing the diaper. I was lifting legs, pulling on the body to get to where I needed to get to, and different other wrong techniques.

After the first 6 months of doing this wrong my back was worn out. I had stretch and pulled so much until I was physically exhausted from it until I told a friend who worked in the industry about it.She informed me that I was doing it all wrong and that I should be using a drawsheet.

Now for those who have not heard of this technique, it is just a regular sheet that pretty much is folded in half and placed under the patient. It is the drawsheet that you would use to turn the person which direction you want without putting a strain on your back.After doing it a couple days, my back thanked me over and over for finding relief.

So, if you are changing the diaper on an adult and the person can't turn themselves over for you, I suggest you learn how to use a drawsheet. I will be making a video and embed it in this post to illustrate how it is used. In the mean time I suggest you go to youtube and type in drawsheet or changing adult diaper. Hope this brings relief to someone who may be hurting themselves trying to change a loveone.