Thursday, April 19, 2012

Alzheimer's Book Review And Why I Recommend It

Over the past few years, I have been a caregiver for my father who has Alzheimer's. He has had this disease for over 15 years now. Looking back over my journey and learning how to cope with the different things that comes along with this, the one thing I could say is that I wish I had was someone to tell me what and how to care for him.

Looking over the internet, you can find all kinds of medical advice on this disease, which is great, but what if you just need advice on how to care for your love one. Each person is different when it comes to this disease. Some scream a lot, refuse to take their medicine, wander off, and some are even combative. We as caregivers, especially if it is a parent and  you have always considered your mother/father as this strong individual that can't be touched, needs to understand how to really deal with the emotional and physical side of caregiving.

I have read several books on Alzheimer's and some gave me great insight, while others were not a help to me at all.

 This e-book that I am about to introduce to you now is from a gentlemen name John Dupree, who has Alzheimer's and decided to share his pain and suffering to encourage those who are about to deal with the same issues. He is the author of 3 books dealing with Alzheimer's Dementia.I came across this book while searching for information from people who had Alzheimer's and gave their personal experience, so I could better understand what goes on in the mind of a person who had just been diagnosed with the disease.

At first I was very skeptical purchasing the book because of all the fraud that goes on online. Eventually I purchased and downloaded the e-book.Wow, was I amazed at how detailed this book was! John gives you details of the battle that goes on in the mind when a person is first diagnosed with the disease and the things caregivers need to know when handling someone with the disease.Most of the things mentioned in the book I saw in my father during his early stages.

Mr. Dupree is donating 60% of the income received from his book to help further research for this terrible disease.If you wish to view and purchased a copy of this amazing book, just Click Here.I highly recommend it if you in the first stages of Alzheimer's/Dementia

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